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Factors in the selection of whiskey glasses

Ningbo – Zhejiang – China, cerca Shanghai18868944843Facebook
Industria > OTHERS

Factors in the selection of whiskey glasses
1. The edge of the mouth of the cup: It is related to which part of the tongue is in contact with the wine when it enters, which will affect the development of taste experience.
2. Cup mouth: divided into add-in cup type and open cup type. Inward cup type: It is easier to gather the aroma released by the wine, and it is easier to feel the intensity and impact of the aroma, which can amplify the expressive power of various flavors. Open cup type: Weakening the impact of the aroma, it is easier to feel the delicate changes of the aroma. The mouth of the glass is the most important factor to consider when choosing a wine glass.
3. The size of the cross section of the cup belly: It is related to the contact area between the wine and the air, and determines the oxidation rate of the wine. Oxidation is fast, the sense of smell and taste will be enhanced, and conversely, the sense of smell and taste will be softer.

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